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Front Page 2002 tutorial

Is there a tutorial on how to use this program on bravenet?

I tried a web project with frames and abandoned that after learning frames are not supported. Then I use a regular FP template and tried to upload it and got two error messages

1) Server doesnt support new FP extensions etc
2) Access denied cant create/move directory

Would love to know how to get FP working. I also realize the service is free so I am not complaining just wish to learn best way to do it.


Re: Front Page 2002 tutorial

Well Bill, I have several sites on Bravehost that were built using FP2002, and I have loaded them and maintain them on a daily basis. I use a third party FTP program (FTP explorer v.1, a free download), however I have never used FP templates so I dont know if thats the source of your problem. The free hosting service does not support FP extensions, but you can build webpages in FP that do not require FP extensions.

Re: Front Page 2002 tutorial

Thanks macmac I guess the only way is to build without templates. I wanted to design something that kind of looks like the new web sites around but dont know where to start, and its quite a simple site nothing complicated :-).

As for the ftp I can always get a 3rd party as you suggest

Re: Front Page 2002 tutorial

Theres a good FP2002 tutorial available from, navigate to the FP2002 page. As long as your page is not overly complex, I have found that a careful use of tables will accomplish much of what frames can do. Be aware, however, that CSS junkies violently disagree.

Re: Front Page 2002 tutorial

I have never used FP2002 but I have formed the impression from posts here that FP templates may use extensions. Remember that FP extensions are proprietory features so by definition they are not a standard feature.

When you upload using FTP there may be oddities about how the Bravenet folder structure is seen. What you regard as the root directory of your site may be perceived as a folder by FTP. This is self evident when using a point and click interface such as that with WS_FTP/LE but may be a problem if the structures are not immediately visible.

Re: Re: Front Page 2002 tutorial

Thanks for the reply. I agree it seems like FP is not compatible with bravenet, especially the free part. Maybe it works for the paid webs.

I am going through the tutorial macmac suggested and see if I can create without templates and then upload. Actually the online ftp file at bravenet works fine since my web will be quite small..

Thanks again