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Okay Martin now what?

It said "Completed" on both sides, but when I went up to the top of the page and clicked on my site domain, it tells me it's under construction. Now what? And, thanks for the first reply!!!!

Re: Okay Martin now what?

That message usually means that you do not have a page named "index.html". What were the names of the files that you uploaded? What commonly happens is a user uploads a file named "index.htm". But when your site was initialized the server created one named "index.html". This is the one the server looks for first and takes precidence.

Go to the File Manager and rename the current "index.html" file to something like "index_ori.html". Then make sure your home page is named "index.html". If it's not, rename it. Then make sure you delete your Temporary Internet Files and force a refresh (F5) of you browser. This should bring up your web site. If you give us a URL, we could also try it.