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Aargh...Aargh...and Aargh!!!

I have built several sites using CoffeeCup VisualSite Designer and they are visually stunning...but I can't seem to get into the bravehost system. I got all the FTP info, the CoffeeCup program doesn't respond. In fact I get this..."Error while uploading. The program could not create a catalog." I don't have the slightest idea what that's supposed to mean! When I use the Bravenet support I get this..
1. Login to Bravenet
2. Click "Manage hosting"
3. Click "Up load tool"
4. Select the files you'd like to transfer. You can hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key to select multiple files at once.
5. Click the green arrow in between the panels to start the transfer.
I did all that and low and behold...nothing. It doesn't tell me if I'm transferring right to left..left to right. I've done both, but where the heck is it?!!! WHAT DO I DO!!!! AAAaaarrrggghhh!!!

Re: Aargh...Aargh...and Aargh!!!

The upload tool is slow to start up, but pretty simple to operate. Once the upload tool starts up, you should have your PC on the left and your web site on the right. If you select something on the left, the green arrow points to the right. If you select something on the right, the green arrow points to the left. Simple, huh?

So, if you are going to move files from your PC to your web site, you first navigate to the appropriate folder on your web site (right side). Then you select you PC files (left side). As you select the files from your PC, the arrow should point to your web site. Then just click on the geen arrow. The window should give you dialog as it is transferring.

As far as using CoffeeCup, you may be using some incorrect information. Try this link to my Using FTP help page. I use to have CoffeeCup, but it's been a long time and don't remember any details about it. But, maybe the help page can steer you in the right direction.