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Front Page

Another newbie. Did some searching here but have not found a firm answer. Am I correct in thinking that using front page with frames is not a good idea for free web hosting service? It seems to me that that the ads appear in each frame and affect the formatting etc..

If I am correct what would be a good alternative or what template frame in FP would work best...I tried initially with the top banner, left menu frame, and the main frame. Just cant work

Thanks for any pointers..

PS I did not load my URL here as it looks nothing like the FP preview

Re: Front Page

Select whichever layout matches the way that you want your web page to look. As long as the one you select doesn't use frames then it should work fine. Just remember that Bravenet will add an advertising banner at the top of the page so that everything will be moved down the page when you upload it.

Re: Front Page

Thanks. I thought as much frames wasnt a good idea. On theother hand I also though frames is the only way to anchor repetitive stuff. I will take another look a the templates.
