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Linking pictures

Hi, can anybody please help. I want to link a thumbnail picture so when I click on it, it links to full size image of the picture but when I try to link the thumbnail it keeps asking me for the url. I have tried making the full size image as a page but it keeps putting it in the navigation menu and i don't want that. If anybody has any ideas I would be most grateful

Re: Linking pictures

I think you have the same question on another forum. It's really a poor idea to post the same question in multiple forums. Not everyone reads all of the forums.

But to do what you want, you need to have both pictures on your web site. The thumbnail and the full size. Suppose you have a image name "my_dog_spot.jpg", and a thumbnail of it named "my_dog_spot_tn.jpg". Further, let's assume that your web site is named "" and they are in a folder on your web site named "images". The full URL to your thumbnail image would be:

and the full URL to your full sized image would be:

To then create a link with the thumbnail image linking to the full size image you might use something like this:

This can be drastically shortened by using relative references. If the images are on your site, the visitors web browser already knows where it is, so you can just use:

The browser will fill in the rest.

Re: Linking pictures

Thanks that worked. Much appreciated.