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I need help please help!!!

I have a basic account and I don't find a Photo Center anywhere. My upload manager uploads to somewhere but I need them in my photo album on my site. I am a beginner and I realllllyyyy need some help. Please email me and let me know where to find my photo manager. I'll dance at your wedding for you!
Maybe I'm too old to do this.

Re: I need help please help!!!

Curly... Noone is too old or too young to web build... i am 14 and build many websites as good as come of the pros... and vice versa (an older person can build just as good... if not better!) now... i am unable to help you on the photo center problem.. give me some time to look at a couple things

Re: I need help please help!!!

Is the photo album that you are reffering to on your site as a page that you have pictures in, or is it a bravenet service you signed up to, like the free counters, guestbooks, etc. If it is, when you first login in to your account, you should be able to go down and it will have registered service(wat you signed up for) and unregistered service(wat is available) you should be able to find the photo center there, and maybe edit the photos in it through the service manager. I have not used the bravenet photo manager but i will have a look and let you know. Tell me if this helps, regards, mitch