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I am the webmaster for We recently renewed with Bravenet after the account expired. I uploaded all of the files to the server and I'm seeing nothing. I don't claim to be a professional web guy,but I feel like I did everything right. Can anybody advise me what to do here. Thanks.

Re: Help

I am not a professional web designer either but I find that I work out most problems that i encounter building my websites. So I take it that in your file manager, all the files you uploaded appear yet, nothing happens when you visit the site? When did you re-new the account?

Re: Help

The account was renewed on the 28th.

Re: Help

I found that when you re-new or get a new domain name, that it can take 24-72 hours to completely work. It has to go through all the internet. And there is nothing saying it might be a littlebit longer than 72 hours. Yet some peoples come online straight away. Also one more questions, does all your files show in the file manager, and does all content show when you edit your page either in code editor, and visual editor?