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Hi guys please help me! this is the first website ive ever made and its for a dear friend of mine who is an actor in the west end.
the address
please help! on the main page there are 3 boxes on the left side with links in them that i dont want please can someone take a look and tell me how i delete them? everything else on it is fine apart from that! please help!


Emma, I have looked at the code for your website. If you are refurring to the two boxes on the left hand side that are empty that you dont want, then I have fixed it, and got rid of them. For it to show on your site, i will send the new code to you via email if you would like. Basically i copied the code and modifyed in my computer, then saved it in notepad. I can email it to you, and then you just paste the code into your home page in the code editor. The whole code is there so you will need to delete the whole code already in there and replace it with the new one. I recommend making a copy of the existing code, in word pad or something, just in case his code doesn't work. Let me know if you would like me to send the code to you. Regards, Mitch