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Please Help Me

I need help. Right now I am a free member and I need to know how to hide a page. Example, I am useing the pasword gate which will lead my visitors to the members area. That works great, the problem is that now that I have my members area built, its right on my links in my nav bar, which I can not edit. I need that members area page hidden! I have searched and searched and just cant find the solution. I will be very grateful to anyone that answers. Thank you.

Re: Please Help Me

Why can you not edit the nav bar? was this site been built in the website publisher, or was it made with a template?

Re: Please Help Me

If you are using the Website Wizard then there is nothing you can do about this. The Wizard is for New Web site makers who would not need the advanced skill of creating a hidden page or any other advanced skill.

In order to use the advanced editing features you would need to go cold turky on the Wizard and use the File Manager or some other Web Editor. Once you make a change to your site with any other editor do not use the Wizard again--it will overwrite your website!

Good luck