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Editing pages

I spent ages editing one of my pages, saved it, published it and then when I went to look at it it hadn't changed. Also, in the edit punction, it wouldn't let me preview, or show the page layout.

Any ideas?


Re: Editing pages

Did you edit it in the Wizard or in Visual Editor?
Did you clear your temporary internet files on your PC?

Off topic

Answer Peter's question. Or you may discover that your problem is solved while finding the answers. But there is something else:

On your page, there was a picture that kept loading, loading, loading.... It turned out to be a drawing that looked more or less like this:

Image hosted by

Except it wasn't a .gif image. It was a whopping 986 kb .bmp.

.bmp files really don't have any business being on the interenet. For one thing, not all browsers will display them. And when they do, if the image is bigger than a small icon, they will really slow your site down. Your image takes about 166 times as long to load as my copy (Go on, take it, it is yours, after all).