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Templates!!!! Help!!!!

Hello. I created a website, which i was pleased with. Then i tried to put a template on, and now when i go onto edit page it is showing my old one, but when you click on the link it shows the templated one. PLease help!!!!

Re: Templates!!!! Help!!!!

It seems you have uploaded your template and made the name "index.html". This is now your home page. But, you created your site with the Website Wizard. It is not possible to put a template on it. The Website Wizard is limited to the layouts available within the Wizard. If you use the "publish" option in the Wizard, your template will be overwritten with your Wizard data.

The template will be editable with the Text and Visual editors available in the File Manager. If you want to switch to a template, you will have to manually move all of your content, from the Wizard to the Template, and then never go back to the Wizard again. Note that when you do this, you will be responsible for managing links, new pages, navigation, etc...

You might want to obtain some web design software and create your site on your local PC. Then you can just upload your pages, and not deal with the online editors at all. You might want to try for a free design package and for a good free graphic editor. You will need one for working with templates.