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Website Content

As the website etc is free, can we put adds on to generate income?

Re: Website Content

With the "free" hosting the advertiser who is paying for the hosting for you has already put ads on your pages to generate income for them and reimburse them for the cost of paying for your hosting. As they will place as many ads on the page as will maximize income from them if you add any more then you will overload the page with ads.

Re: Website Content

I had wondered about that as I have put Google ads on my non-Bravenet pages to try and scrape back some of the running costs.

I can find no prohibition in the T&Cs but as they have clearly been written by a lawyer that is not to say there isn't one hidden in the verbage.

On a practical note, there will be a large banner ad across the top of your page, additional ads are not going to exactly enhance your site.

Re: Website Content

Thanks guys, i see what you are saying