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Site Map Generator from Google...

I would like to use the Goggle Site Map generator and this is what is needed:
The Google Sitemap Generator is a Python script that creates a Sitemap for your site using the Sitemap Protocol. This script can create Sitemaps from URL lists, web server directories, or from access logs. In order to use this script:

1)You must be able to connect to and run scripts on your web server.

2)Your web server must have Python 2.2 or later installed.

3)You must know the command that launches Python. (Generally, this is python, but may vary by installation. For instance, if the web server has two versions of Python installed, the earlier version may be invoked by the command python and the later version may be invoked by the command python2.)
You must know the directory path to your site. If your web server hosts one site, this may be a path such as var/www/html. If you have a virtual server that hosts multiple sites, this may be a path such as home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html.

4)You must be able to upload files to your web server (for instance, using FTP). I KNOW THIS ONE!

5)If you will be generating a list of URLs based on access logs, you must know the encoding used for those logs and the complete path to them.

If you aren't sure about any of this, you can check with your web hosting company.

Before I turn in a support ticket and wait for a few days....does Anyone know any of these Answers for a premium paid hosting accout here with Bravenet...This seems to be yet another NEW language for me to learn!

Re: Site Map Generator from Google...

Well it seems to me that none of that is relevent, because the server is bravenet. so all of those should be compatable. Umm they look like instructions like, u have to be able to do this and that, they usually show this before you maybe sign up to wat u wanted. So why not go ahead with it and see wat happens. But although I have no idea wat you are trying to do but, basically use google sitemap, and they should tell you wa to do anyways. maybe this helped?

Re: Site Map Generator from Google...

Simply go to this site and it does a lot of the work for you. I found it quite easy to use. Took me about 1 hour to generate and upload and I have almost 1,000 pages.