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Stop adding "provided by bravenet" in tags

I hope to offload maintenance of a Bravenet PRO website to the content owner and she will be using the website wizard. But it seems that whenever you publish the site using the wizard it insists on changing the title tag to append "provided by". Please advise how I can prevent this or I will not use Bravenet for future clients.

Re: Stop adding "provided by bravenet" in tags

You might try opening a ticket with Bravenet, but that's how the Website Wizard works, and only Bravenet can change that. IMHO, with a PRO site, you should be able to remove all branding, even on something like the Wizard.

Re: Stop adding "provided by bravenet" in tags

The advantage of the wizard is it lets non-techies maintain their content after a little initial hand holding but I think it is unreasonable to insist that every page title include "provided by Bravenet" when you are NOT using a free site. I'll open a ticket an update this thread with the results.

Re: Stop adding "provided by bravenet" in tags

Here is Bravenet's response
Dear L,

Unfortunately the Website Wizard adds text to your title automatically during the publishing routine, and there is no way to disable this.

A possible workaround would be to go into the File Manager and edit the page titles, but you would need to do that every time you use the Website Wizard to publish a page.

Sorry if this inconveniences you at all.

Please let me know if you need anything else,
Thank you.
Can't say I'm very happy with this. I wouldn't mind if it was a free site but this is a paid site.

Re: Re: Stop adding "provided by bravenet" in tags

The Wizard is not intended for building professional sites. I think Bravenet still view the paid service as something that is bought by experienced developers who will hand code their html or use professional level development tools like Dreamweaver.

I have noticed an increasing number of personal sites on Pro hosting and the only way that Bravenet will understand that the market has shifted is if other people in the same position as yourself also complain.

Re: Stop adding "provided by bravenet" in tags

I'm an experienced web developer but the goal was to have the site owner be able to maintain the site (it is a small, home-based business) using the wizards. Unfortunately, it looks like the site will have a "semi-PRO" appearance (no banner ads but Bravenet references everywhere) if we go that route.

This "semi-PRO" web hosting plan should be described clearly somewhere on the hosting page and, at a minium it shouldn't cost as much as the PRO plan if every page has to mention Bravenet.