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Publishing Site Poof its all gone

I have read over alot of the post to do with this problem and I am seeing that people are haveing the same sort of problems. I spet the night adding this and that to my OLD website. I save all the time. I have even cleared out my Temp Internet Files. I have held down Crtl + F5. and still when I view or publish my site using the Publish Site TOOL/Option I get all the old stuff back and hours of waisted work. This is getting me upset, I am asking this "IS THERE REALLY ANY POINT TO THE PUBLISHING TOOL AFTER YOU FIRST PUBLISH YOUR SITE?" and "IT (THE SITE PUBLISHER) DOSENT REALLY WORK AFTER THE FIRST USE DOES IT?"
All I see is old over new not new over old.
P.S. If I save my site in the "bravehost filemanager" every thing is just fine and I see all my changes as soon as I save them.


Re: Publishing Site Poof its all gone

Am I right in assuming the lost changes are made outside the Wizard? If so, what you are describing is what is supposed to happen. The publishing button is the sign for Wizard to overwrite your site with whatever changes has been made in the Wizard. Other changes do not count.

Solution: Either use the Wizard, or don't. A little of this and a litte of that is not a good idea.

Re: Publishing Site Poof its all gone

corwing! Thanks. that is a very good way of putting it. I was just doing what all the Bravehost website information siad to do. It says "You must Publish Your site using the Publish site manager."
So thats what I was doing, but after reading over most of the peoples post in the forum I got the impression that the Publish site Manager is only for first time Publishings, and not used to update every change you make on you site to the web.
So save your work and be happy it is uploaded as soon as you save you changes. Thas what this has shown me.
I just fell sorry for all the people following the Web site info to the word.

