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Please Please help!!!

I registered,(for free website) got username and password, got the codes I want, but no url or webpage to put them on.. how do I start. Sorry thought I knew more about computers.

Re: Please Please help!!!

I'm with you. The "getting started" post at the top of this forum mentions something about a "Manage Website" link but I can't find that anywhere. Has the management setup changed since that instruction was posted?

Re: Please Please help!!!

Thank goodness I am not the only one. What group photo was he/she talking about.. I am ready to give up. Maybe I missed something on signing up? I thought I would be given a web address to start work on... grrr lol...

Re: Please Please help!!!

Laurie, go to copy/paste help, look for my name there is a link there,in the reply, that will take the mystery out of it. I now have a webpage I can start building on. Hope it helps you.

Re: Please Please help!!!


Yes, the "getting started" sticky post is about 6 months out of date. There hasn't been a group photo or "manage website" link in a while. The link that Carol is talking about is to my updated help page on Getting Started .

Re: Please Please help!!!

Cool. Thanks a bunch.