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Just cannot get the hang of this.....

I spend an evening editing my site in file manager
and then when i have saved it and gone back and published it,something completely different and mixed up come up on screen when i look at the final web page.ahrrrrrrrr
What is going on here......i am at the end of my tether....
please help......

Re: Just cannot get the hang of this.....

First make sure you sve your changes each time you make them.

Also click on refresh once in awhile in your browser. Especially if you want to check to see if your browser is reflecting the change accurately. It may not show the change unless you click on refresh.

Also get rid of the site under construction. That just runs people off. Technically a good site should always have something new added from time to time. So a good site is always under construction. A sign just tell the public you are not ready for visitors.

Get your links up and running. You might include a guest book or a forum.

Sorry but you zapped it yourself

"Publish" is part of the Website Wizard and transfers work in progress from the Wizard's database to overwrite what is already in your site.

Editing through File Manager (aka Visual Editor) doesnt't need publishing as it works directly on the live file.

So what you did was create some live pages then went to the Website Wizard and told it to get rid of them again.

NEVER try to mix the two editors.

Re: Just cannot get the hang of this.....

Bob I know how you feel. I have no knowledge of HTML or any web design at all but Ive just finished my first site. I built it using a WYSIWYG web site builder on my PC then uploaded it using the built in ftp tool. It was easy easy easy....and made it a bunch of fun to do. Ive never used the wizards in bravenet they are too restrictive by the sounds of things. Anyway the web builder is a free can get it from a link on my site Have a look at my site built entirely with the web builder and with no experience. Hope this helps and is what your looking for.

Re: Re: Just cannot get the hang of this.....

What can i say...
Thanks to you all for replying.
Glen i have looked at your site and now has uplifted my spirits a bit to have another stab at it when i get time.I cannot find the link on the site could you give me an idear where it is glen?
I do think that bravehost has many good idears but i do think it needs an idiots guide for begginers because there is a lot of people out there like myself,who are struggerling.
Thanks for the tip about editing and web wizards thats another thing that by reading the forums a lot of people must be doing,and its not made clear on the brave net system.
Anyway must fly,and thanks again

Re: Just cannot get the hang of this.....

I sent the link to your email but just in case here it is.

PS Dont mention the cricket!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Just cannot get the hang of this.....

Thanks for the site,which i have now downloaded.I will install it when i get home tonight.
What can i say about the cricket apart from hard luck,but it was some of the best cricket from both sides that i have watched for a long time.
thanks for your help glen and i will keep in touch..