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Domain name

Having purchased the domain '' I want that to be the name of my site.
Sorry to ask a stupid question... but is that a 'domain transfer'.. and is it really as simple as it says? It's taken me a fair while to get the site up and I don't really feel confident that I know how it happened! Don't want to mess everything up....

Re: Domain name

It is not a domain transfer unless you are going to change to a different domain registrar and there is no reason to do that unless you are unhappy with the one you bought it from.

What you need to do is to configure your domain to point to your hosting. You do this by obtaining the nameservers for the hosting from the hosting provider and inserting that detail into the configuration of your domain.

If your hosting is with Bravenet then raise a ticket to ask them what the nameservers are for the computer where your site is hosted. If you can't figure out how to update the domain config then ask the people you bought it from for help with that part.

Re: Domain name

Thanks for that Stephen

Now, I see the domain servers shown on the bravenet site, so can you show me exactly what I need to change?

Is it just a case of delete whats there and insert

Re: Domain name

When you purchased your domain name,, your domain name registrar (the company you bought the name through) probably provided you with a password and username to access your account.

If so, go to that your domain name registrars website, and log on with your username and password.

Once you are logged on, look for an area titled--nameservers-- click on that and change the existing nameserver to the bravenet nameservers that you mentioned you found in your previous post.

If your registrar did not provide you with a username etc, contact them and give them the bravenet nameserver info and ask them to change it. They will do it, and it will take about 2 days for the change to be effective. (You might ask them how you can do it in the future.)

I hope that helps. Take care--

Re: Domain name

Thanks for that folks...think I've got it now.