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Lost important page!

I did nothing. I simply edited a page, and it became blank, after saving it. This is unbelievably frustrating, since the page carried an archive of news articles, including up-to-date articles.
I tried editing it then, but it again went blank again.
Does anyone know what's going on? THis is most frustrating. Now I am afraid to edit at all, for fear that more pages would be lost still.

Re: Lost important page!

Oh My God!!!
This just happened to me!!!! I was editing my index page and after I saved it it went completely blank!
I can't get it back. Bravenet does not provide a phone number to contact someone. Can anyone help us???

Re: Lost important page!

What page? Try a google search. At least a couple of your pages are cached at Google.

Re: Lost important page!

I'm glad. It's come back, but I still don't know what to do with it. If I edit it again, it might disappear again, for all I know...

Re: Re: Lost important page!

Well, that could happen, then again, perhaps never. If you use some kind of online editor you are asking for it. Instead, make the pages on your computer, and upload from there. You can have backup in place within seconds.

Re: Lost important page!

Sheesh. Now it's reverted again. The time it worked, I was using a different computer. Perhaps that has something to do with it.

Re: Lost important page!

Hi, I opened up a support ticket yesterday and they replied today. I was told that the problem is now solved and they are gonna work on retrieving my lost pages. I hope they can! In the meantime, I have now backed up all my remaining pages in case this happens again. Good luck with your situation.

Re: Lost important page!

Good idea. I will open up a ticket as well then. Again the data is lost, and I have also lost my back-upped data.