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PLz help me

You all know that commercial for bravenet that is located in the top middle of the page.. is it possible to move that commercial to the bottom middle instead?

Re: PLz help me

No. That would be grounds for Bravenet to get rid of your free site.

Browser: ,4

Re: PLz help me

im talking about just moving it.. either to the side or to the bottom of the page.. its really messing up everything by being on the top

Re: PLz help me

Clas, I read the entire TOS (terms of service) and I found no mention of relocating Bravenet advertising, however, it is a lengthy document and written in lawyer-ese, and I may have missed it. I would suggest opening a support ticket.

Re: PLz help me

macmac, what do you mean support ticket?

Re: PLz help me
Re: PLz help me

The TOS really doesn't come into play here. To know whether the banner can be moved requires understanding of how it got there. When the server is delivering your page, it keys on your tag to insert it's advertisments. Since the tag is the start of your page, that's where the banner shows up. You can test this by inserting another tag about half way down your web page. Bingo! Another banner. I don't remember whether this server does it or not, but some hosts will key on a body style reference, as well as tags, and give you extra banners.

So you really can't do anything about the banner except pay the ransom for an upgrade. And, no, you can't get rid of the banner by eliminating the tag. The server is smart enough to recognize that.

Re: PLz help me

macmac, do you think u can help me a little bit with that support ticket?

Re: PLz help me

Sure. First, begin the process by clicking the link I gave you or scrolling to the top of this page and opening the support center dialogue. You will find, on that page, a graphic with four options, simply click the option that is labeled "open a support ticket". Make sure you clearly state your question. However, I think Martin has pretty well established that the placement of Bravenet's banner is a function of the server and does not lend itself to manipulation.