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The URL is wonky on some pages

On my Home Page my url appears correctly, as
but on subsequent pages, it does a repeat ... a repeat... like this
and then shows the rest of the pages ... Does anyone know why this is happening? I am a newbie at website building. I need a simple easy-to-understand explanation.


Re: The URL is wonky on some pages

Oh, my God! You have been trying to make webpages in Word or some other such Office product, haven't you?
Well, forget it. Use them for their designated purpose. The only Microsoft product that can be used for making webpages is Notepad.

For those who wonder - like I did - what this crazy person is talking about, the website is supposed to look like this:

Image hosted by

Why do I need to tell people that? Because in Opera and Firefox the website looks like this:
Image hosted by

Notice the scrollbar? But the missing stuff isn't off to the right somewhere. It is all white for about 40 screens, and then turns into a black background. Nothing else.

My guess is that width:7.9319in is interpreted as 79319 pixels, inches being a fairly meaningless term here. But never mind, we aren't looking for some quick fix here, Microsoft Office pages can be edited to produce something that more or less works. But it is a lot more effort than simply starting over, even if that includes learning HTML from scratch.

The good news is that when you do this, the problem you originally posted about will take care of itself. The insane idea that people will want their files in subdirectories named index_files, pagetwo_files etc is unique to Microsoft.

Re: The URL is wonky on some pages

I used Microsoft Publisher to create my website.
Hmmmmm ...


Re: Re: The URL is wonky on some pages

Exactly. Nothing wrong with Microsoft Publisher. If you need to print a brochure advertising your website, by all means use it.

If you want to create a website, use a suitable program.

Re: The URL is wonky on some pages

Is it possible to build an HTML code to replace the ineffective codes in pub? Do you know how to do that? I am at Square One with HTML ...


Re: Re: The URL is wonky on some pages

Yes and no. Given enough time and effort, almost anything is possible. I wouldn't try, though. If I had to, I would simply look at how the site was supposed to be, and build that from scratch.

The time it takes you to learn HTML is relatively insignificant compared with trying to fix a MS Publisher site.

Go to and spend a couple of hours learning.

Now, if you look at your source code, you will probably think that you will never, ever, be able to do that. And you are right. But HTML should not look like that. The source code of your site is about 75 kilobytes. I usually recommend that as a maximum size for a webpage including images.

For instance, in your code it says:

stroked="f" strokecolor="black " o:cliptowrap="t">
" color2="white " joinstyle="miter"/>
" color2="white " joinstyle="miter"/>
" color2="white " joinstyle="miter"/>
" color2="white " joinstyle="miter"/>
" color2="white "/>


I admit I cannot read all of that, and I don't know what everything is for. But I think it corresponds fairly well to what most of us do by the following code:

Re: The URL is wonky on some pages

I've always thought that Microsoft did things the long way ... this is the proof!!!
Thanks for the info.
