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Pictures on web pages.

Hi this is the second time I have asked this but I am still stuck. I would also like any help to come from an adult who speaks english as I am a novice and really don't need a lot of techi stuff.
I have loaded photos into photo centre, I have tried to download photos from photo centre onto web pages, all seems successful pictures in little editing boxes, and then published to web, preview all looks good. Then comes the crunch some people can see the pictures on the pages and some can see just squares with red crosses. Please help as this is driving me mad.

Re: Pictures on web pages.

Post a link to the page and we can have a look at the underlying code. Without that we can only guess.

I am afraid that you are going to have to put up with some "techie" stuff as that is the vocabulary used to describe web sites, just as terms like "spark plug" are used when talking about cars.

Re: Pictures on web pages.

Here is website info

Re: Re: Pictures on web pages.

The homepage pictures look OK to me.

Because they are being loaded from your photo gallery and not direct from the site (which means they are stored on a different computer at Bravenet) they will take longer to download and there is more chance of the download failing. The pics took a while to download so they are probably rather larger than they need to be (which increases the chance of a download over a slow dial up connection failing).

I would recommend loosing one of the two large smileys as they are just pushing relevant content off the bottom of the screen.

and also ......

Just looked at your results page.

A lot of sites get put on the web and then get abandoned. It gives visitors a lot more confidence if any dates include the year.

Re: Pictures on web pages.

Thanks for that Peter,
I will delete the pictures and make them smaller before putting them back on, will also take your advice on smiley and dates.