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why does it do this,in header and footer

Please help .......
Is it me or has anybody else had trouble with editing..
I seem to edit whatever i am doing in the header and footer section, but allthough i have centered everything and then saved it,when i preview the site before publishing it,all my work comes up completely different and all over the place.(on my web page)
This is driving me mad.....and also making it very difficult to build the site..
Please help,
thanks in anticipation

Re: why does it do this,in header and footer

Bob, I don't know if this will help but it may be your problem, I noticed a while back whenever I edited my site with file manager, when I saved it , it did not refresh the page automatically so when I edited it some more , the first changes where not included on the page and when I saved it again then it really got screwed-up , whenever you edit after you save - refresh your page before editing anymore.
like I said, I don't if this will help or if it is the same problem, but if it is please let me know if I helped ----- this is my first reply on this board.
email - or --------good luck Mike

Re: why does it do this,in header and footer

Thanks mike,
Decided to use file manager for editing now,as its a lot easier,and you can save as you go.My computer seems to refresh itself automatically but you were right in what you were saying.
Wonder if you know how to move the page lines/brakes or delete them as i have tried highlighting the little squares on the side and moving them up but this has no joy.......
regards bob

Re: why does it do this,in header and footer

What exactly do you mean? that everything yuo write isnt coming up as organized as it is in raw html?....if that is what you are saying then html isnt a design software or anything you have tot ell it what to do not show it what to do....therefore if you want things center try this

Sep 19th, 2005 - 4:34 PM