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linking(question 4 Corwing only!!)

Corwing,I know u have helped me out of trouble before about linking pages.I have site also ,it is working very good,THANKS 2 U.NOW(with onther website I am bluiding from scratch,NO template) I seem to have same problem,,I am doing like the last time u told me,BUT IT IS NOT WORKING OUT.I have a button up u-bet-nfl,I want frontpage to open to that page...IT just will not,BEEN trying for 1 full week without results?? Can u have alook & see what is going on???I am using a website bluider NUV... U r a Saint if u an help me out again,I thank u gratefully

Re: linking(question 4 Corwing only!!)

It's unknown whether anyone will be around at any time. I see your page, and I gather from your explanation, that when you click on this big button, you are suppose to link to another page. But it's only in there as a image. There is no link wrapped around it.

For example, if you wanted to transfer to a page named "u-bet-nfl.html" when someone clicks on the button you need to make the link and image tags say something like this:


The "border" attribute eliminates the default blue border. If you are linking to another web site, you will need to include the full URL to the other site.


Re: linking(question 4 Corwing only!!)

U r a song 2 my ears,I do think it is going 2 work...I great big thank u.Marvelous person,,,Thanks again.

Re: linking(question 4 Corwing only!!)

WELL the button works now,,BUT it does not connect to my second page.HUMM odd.IF u can still have another piece of advice 4 me,I would sure appriciate it.I sopke to fast,,was so excited my button was workin..

Re: linking(question 4 Corwing only!!)

Well, when I posted, I only made up the name of the file. I really have no idea what you have named the page you want to link to. You need to change the name "u-bet-nfl.html" to whatever the name of the real page is.

Re: linking(question 4 Corwing only!!)

ANOTHER HERO IN MY BOOK,YAHOOOO,u did it.WOW it has been since the 29th of aug.I had the web & publicity paid 4,,,.Thank u so very much,...I so wish i could help others also.I will try my best..