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can't get my uploaded webpage online

Hello, I uploaded a new web page via ftp, however, i can't seem to get the web page that I uploaded to activate( come up). I want the web page that I uploaded to "overwrite" the page I had created with the bravenet wizard. Where is the place to do this, I've found that most people who use bravenet just to this, BUT HOW???, any help, much appreciated

Re: can't get my uploaded webpage online

Sometimes your FTP program will have protection enabled to prevent overwriting existing files. Very often it's just a "Are You Sure?" prompt. But with your FTP program, you should be able to see your web site. If you are looking to replace your home page, you want to name it "index.html". If you already have one, you can use your FTP program to rename it or delete it, and then copy your file in place of it.

If you can't see it right away, delete your Temporary Internet Files and force a browser refresh (F5). However, do not expect to be able to edit this new page from the Website Wizard. The Website Wizard "publish" option only publishes Wizard creations and will overwrite your existing files, so don't use it.

Re: can't get my uploaded webpage online

Ok this happened to me and bravehost decided never to answer my ticket so i found out by myself...Ok Upload the ne wpage you want now find the name of the main page of your site ok say if i went to your site The page that displays there is ur current main page so you would have ot figure out the name of that and change the new one you want with the same name then it will ask are you sure you want to overwrite Click yes...This can be done in the Online bravehost Editor clik SAve As and rename ok any Questions just ask cause bravehost will not....

Re: can't get my uploaded webpage online

Same sort of problem. Used web wizard to start with, and published website. No problem. But then used updater using the more advanced mode then saved it. However I dont know how to publish it using this. (DO I need to download the FTP thing. )I used the web wizard publish website again and it totally ignore all my changes and went back to how it was in both web wizard and the advanced mode, so I lost all the changes I made. Is this because I used the wizard publish update rather than the Java FTP. Help I'm a stuck Englishman.