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Banners, Ads, Pop Ups

I don't know much about uploading sites and such. I'm thinking of maybe using Bravenet. However, on any of there packages it doesn't say it's 'Ad free'.

So what's the ads, pop ups and banners like when hosting from this site? Thanks so much.

Re: Banners, Ads, Pop Ups

Stacie, when you sign up for a free account with any hosting service, there will be ads on your webpages. is the same as any other in this regard.


Re: Banners, Ads, Pop Ups

Like all other web hosts, only the free web sites, and the free services, have banners and popups. Bravenet considers a web site as one of it's many services. As such, each is priced separately. This means that if you purchase hosting, this does not get you all the other services add free. So if you want a banner and popup free guest book on your paid site, you need to purchase the Pro Guestbook as well.

But you can sign up for all this stuff free, try it out, and if you don't like it, throw it away. Nothing to lose but time. If you do like it, you can upgrade ($$$ or £££ as the case may be) as you go along.

Re: Re: Banners, Ads, Pop Ups

You only get banners on free hosting. Other services may add pop-ups.

Re: Banners, Ads, Pop Ups

Which is unfortunate for cheapskates like myself.

Re: Banners, Ads, Pop Ups

Buy your own domain&host through bravenet, the only banners will be your own!