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please help-When adding new page....

Hi I hope someone can help me....i used wisard to build site ...the problem is when i add a new pg. it looks exactly like my home pg. Im i doing something wrong? I deleted it and will try again as soon as i find out what is going on. Hair is turning grey by the second Thanks for any help i can get.

Re: please help-When adding new page....

Yes, all of the pages you add with the Website Wizard will have the same structure as your home page. Once you set the overall color scheme and basic layout, this is copied across to all your other pages. Some of the sidebar content areas are included in their entirety, like the Things To Do sidebar. Pretty much, all you have access to are the content areas.

These are "features" of the Website Wizard which minimize the overhead to the user, because the Website Wizard is intended for beginners. If you want to have more control over you pages, you need to get your own web page design program and start learning. There are many good free web design applications out there to get your started. But remember, the more control you have, the greater the overhead in keeping your pages looking, and operating, the way you want them to.

Re: please help-When adding new page....

Thanks Martin so much