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Help! Question?

On my home page I want to have links at the top so that my visitors can click on them and that will take them to that specific page....

for example in my homepage I have on top....."Home" "Mac news" as links so when u clcik them they take u to that page....

I want to have more links like taht and I forgot how to do it..
can soemone please help me

If that does not answer your question, you had better tell us what software you are using.

Looked perfect in preview, though. Trying again:
Re: Help! Question?

i dont get it...what do I do that?

Re: Help! Question?

different 'mac', wondering why Corwing's ampersand pound sixty semicolon didnt produce the

Re: Help! Question?


You would have to give us a URL to your web pages for a more specific answer. Corwings gave you the basic structure for a link to a names page. Adjust the page name and link text as you see fit. But without a little more explanation on what your trying to do, and something to look at, we can't say much more.


The < does work in the forum, but Corwings used it in the Subject line. When you do that, the & is converted to the text string &, making the rest of the text simply text. The message body, which specifically says "html allowed", accepts that kind of thing, but the Subject line doesn't.

Re: Help! Question?

I see, thanks Martin. I'm afraid I'm drifting far from Mac's question, but now I'm wondering how, in your reply, you were able to use the amp/#60/; without it being read

Re: Help! Question?

If you view the source code of the forum posting, you can see exactly how it's done. The trick is to simply replace characters that you don't want to be interpreted, with printable equivalents. For example, I want to display the string <, but if I simply use the & at the start of the string, it would be interpreted and come out as <. So I replace the & with &. Code wise, it actually looks like &#60;. Usually, when I post code, I use the < code for displaying the <, but I use the hex codes for a lot of other characters.

If you ever try to post code that includes a mouse event, you will find that the forum will strip it out, unless you disable it by replacing one of the characters with a hex equivalent. So, to post the word OnMouseOver you would actually enter OnMouseOver. Some code takes a lot of work to insure that it posts correctly. More than some people realize.

Re: Help! Question?

here is my url to my website I hope this helps:

Re: Help! Question?

now please , I need to know how to activate credit payments as well . please help . Thank you .

Browser: Please help me with cpoy/paste , pictures on web page , making spelling errors , getting my web page traffic,2

Re: Help! Question?

Thanks Martin. Good info for everyone there...

Re: Help! Question?

it all depends..the link could be a picture..could be in java..could be a a popup...could be a simple html link..could be flash...I hate it how people are not specific in these forums

Re: Help! Question?

html code=View My Resume

Resume.html is the address of the document you wish to link to.

The link would appear as View My Resume and it would be underlined to indicate it is a link.

With the file manager all you have to do is upload the page that you want to link to then go into the visual editor part of the file manager and click on the link and put in the address of the page to which you wixh to link.

Browser: ,4