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OMG!! Everything got deleted when i tried to upload my content I need help please!!

I tried to upload my web page to the web so it could be viewed. So I went to File manager and I right clicked on my index24.html template with my content also added to it. Then I proceeded to click on the "copy link location" and i pasted it on the "upload file" and once I did that everything is now gone!! and all that is on the web page now is ÄùÄùè so how can i retrive all my hard work?

Re: OMG!! Everything got deleted when i tried to upload my content I need help please!!

Shawn, the exact same thing happened to me this morning. I edited my page and hit save, and poof, all gone. Obviously a Bravenet prob. Solutions? First I used it as a lesson to always make sure I have a copy of the page on my computer. Second, do a Google search for your own page. If it's been online a little while, Google should have a copy of the page in their Cache. If they do, simply right click on the page after selecting cached pages, view source and voila, there is your page. Hope that helps. :)

Re: OMG!! Everything got deleted when i tried to upload my content I need help please!!

sound advice, jeff

Re: OMG!! Everything got deleted when i tried to upload my content I need help please!!

I thank you for your help but my situation get worse. I never had a change to even publish my website so it was never on the internet. And I think in the spur of the moment i was not really to clear. See I read from Martin how to publish your web site without using the website wizard. So I went to my file manager and I right clicked on the page I created. Then I clicked on "copy to link location" and I copied it to the "upload file" and it deleted everything I think now all i am left with is "ÄùÄùèE " so if anyone has anymore information on this please help me.

Re: OMG!! Everything got deleted when i tried to upload my content I need help please!!


You may have to explain what you did a little bit more. I'm not sure I understand what you did.

However, if you are in the Bravenet File Manager everything you see there is published. This is your web site and your face to the internet. Everything you see there can be seen on the internet and is therefore, "published". If you opened a file in one of the File Manager's editors, edited the page, and then saved it, you new page is available to the internet immediately. The File Managers editors work directly on your web site files. Nothing more is necessary after a save, other than possibly forcing a refresh of your browser to view the new page.

The only time you need to upload or "publish" is if the pages you are developing are not on your web site. For example, I write all my code on my local PC, test it all out, and then use FTP to upload it to my site. Once the FTP transfer is finished, all my changes are available to the internet, or "published".

What ever you did to delete your page data is done. Time to move on. If your not clear on how things operate, possible explain your problem a little bit better. None of this is difficult. It's just a matter of understanding a few simple processes and than putting it all together.

Re: OMG!! Everything got deleted when i tried to upload my content I need help please!!

Thank you Martian, and yes I did Move on. Anyway this is the best possible way I could explian it. I had my web page in my file manager. But somehow it was not my primary page, meaning it was not being viewed by the public. So that is why I asked the question about publising. So the problem came up when I took my web page I will Call it "Golden Apple" to understand a bit better. Anyway I right clicked on the "Golden Apple" file and clicked on "Copy link location" so i saved the copied the location of the link. Then I Pasted it on "Upload File Bar" and clicked on Go that's excatly what i did. Anytakes on what happend?