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changing domain name

I am looking for a solution to my problem. I am doing something different with my website and want to change the Domain name.
Does anyone out there know how to change the Domain name.

Re: changing domain name

I know how you do it but the problem is that it costs money! Are you ok to pay money about this?

Browser: ,3

Re: changing domain name

As you appear to be using a free subdomain supplied by bravenet all you need to do is sign up for a new Bravenet account and get web hosting there with your required name.

Re: changing domain name

I'm having a similar problem to Arne de Jong's. I typed in the wrong subdomain name when setting up my website. (I wanted "sidelclimbing" not "sidelclimbingl".) My problem may be easier than Arne De Jong's, because at this point I have nothing in my website that I want to keep. Therefore, I can easily delete the site and start over.

Is opening a new account the only way to get a new website with the username I want? I want to delete the current site with the wrong subdomain name and start over. I tried the "Delete Website" option in the management services. This does not seem to delete the website. What does it do? I should think Bravenet would want users to be able to delete inactive sites just to save storage space and simplify management.

IF opening a new account is the only way to get a new website with the username I want, is there at least a way to delete/close my present account, so I can then open a new one with the same username? Again, Bravenet should make this possible to minimize inactive accounts.

Re: changing domain name

First, note that an account with Brevenet and web site with Bravenet are two separate issues. Your Bravenet login id is not necessarily the same as the subdomain name you generate. Deleting your web site does not delete your Bravenet account.

To delete your current web site, follow the link that says "manage hosting" and use the "delete website" link. Fill out the form and press the delete button. Don't forget to type the word "Yes" in the box above the delete button. I haven't tried it, for obvious reasons, but I suspect you should get some kind of confirmation message.

If you then log out of your Bravenet account, and then log in again, the link that use to say "manage hosting" should have changed to "get hosting". Just follow that link to create you new web site.

You may still see remanents of your old site data due to the cache in you web browser. Just delete your Temporary Internet Files and for a browser refresh (F5), and it should go away.

Re: changing domain name

Thank you, Martin Meserve.

You have clarified what the sequence should be.

You indicate that, when I log back in to my account:
the link that use to say "manage hosting" should have changed to "get hosting". That, unfortunately, does not happen. (Your message was helpful, because I was ineffectually surfing around on Bravenet trying to get to the screen that "get hosting" links to.)

I think I'll bite the bullet and create a new bravenet account.