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Cannot visit my Published webpage

I cannot visit my published webPage.
After I press publish button, system show me successful publish, but I always cannot visit .
Could you just give me a hand. many thanks.

Re: Cannot visit my Published webpage

The page is there when I look but the text consists mostly of little squeares so you must have used a foreign language font and forgot to identify the characterset in the page.

You should have no problem accessing your page to see this for yourself unless you are in China which does not allow access to most of the web.

Re: Cannot visit my Published webpage

In the several months I have been involved with Bravenet, this "problem" has manifested itself in various ways. Apparently, citizens of the PRC (Peoples republic of China) have access to Bravenet insofar as aquiring a domain and website, but are unable to access the site after procuring same. I find it hard to understand why the folks at Bravenet are unable to warn Chinese citizens of this problem prior to entering into a contract for services.