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Karen's site

i was in the traffic builder site and was reading a post and found Karen's site i went to it and found it was a porn site

i am not sure but i think you are not allowed to post porn site addys here i am not sure what can be done

but if you are offened by this kind of content being on a forum open to all ages please open a support ticket so her post about her porn site can be removed from the forum

lets keep this forum family freindly thanks kennigr

Re: Karen's site

I was also here looking over the forum and trying to help and found a post asking about what happened to her email newsletter program and why it was not working... I went to check out her site to see if I could help answer her question...

My 7 year old daughter adopted from Foster Care because she was ABUSED in a terrible way was standing RIGHT here!

When I went to the site suddenly something tried to download and then PORN popped up and I am NOT HAPPY about this at all!

The LEAST someone could do is let us KNOW on these forums that they have an adult site and that clicking on it will being PORN up!


Re: Re: Karen's site

It is good manners to warn if a link goes to adult content as people may be surfing in public locations.

I am afraid that some posts are fakes to get traffic to these sites. If you report them to Bravenet they are very prompt about deletion but that's a bit late to undo the damage.

I often look at this forum in my lunch break or after finishing work. In those cases I never click through to people's sites.

Re: Karen's site

Live and Learn Peter--I guess that is the best that I can do... I really should have already thought about that!

But, form now on I will take your advice and make sure that I do NOT look at other people web sites when the Kids are around! And likely not when my husband is either or he will take over my computer!

Anyway--In general I could care less about those sites and think they have the right to be there...I will simple be very careful about looking!

As for the Traffic Share...I have only placed this on one area of my site and HOPE that any porn sites are not showing up! Even some of the NOT porn sites are close...I mean it depends on the viewers mind set but people looking for Tupperware are usually not interested in Bikini I do try to watch the traffic exchange.

I also know that some of the pop-up's and ads for some of the services get a little close to the wire on some levels. Which is why I also try to use the free sevices (like the auto mailer--tell a friend and fourm) just to see what the content of the ads are... Again It depends on who the site visitors are but in my case--frumpy mom's with crazy kids--might not approve of Every Ad showing step is to upgrade to the paid service feature....

We do get what we pay for.


Re: Karen's site

i contacted bravenet and the account has been suspened the site broke brevenets terms of useage agreement we all agreed to
i did not want to get any one in trouble but you gotta do what you feel is right

porn sites should not be place where children might access them either on purpose or accident

if you see a post in the future that is like that contact bravenet they act quickly to remove both the offending post and suspend the account in question

Re: Karen's site

GLAD it was, I was supended & mine was not a porn.I was selling sex objets(very discreetly) NO offensive words were on my site.VERY clean site,as clean as a site could be,,,BUT I got suspended.BUT thems' r the brakes,,humm!!!