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website uploading and hosting

gettin frustrated here...i recently creadted a site through swishmax (flash based) viewed the site 1-15 times before uploading to make sure i had everything i needed, it was perfect....once completed i uploaded it to bravehost and of course it would only work ONE TIME the right way before i can only get the pages to appear when i siwtch thru them but nothing on the pages except the backgrounds..whats up with this..i thought this site supported flash if you are within your space...geez !

Re: website uploading and hosting

Whatever that thing is, I don't see the purpose in uploading it. I clicked the Enter link. A new window with no toolbars or controls appeared. Now, normally, whan that happens I close it and hit the back button at once. For once I waited. After a minute about 3 megabytes had been downloaded into that window with nothing to show for it. I pay more money than I can afford to have about the best connection to the internet that is available in my area. For someone with a lesser connection that waiting time could well have been half an hour. If you actually have some worthwhile material, I suggest you distribute it on CDs. Or, if by internet, at least mark the link clearly for visitors.
"Click here to download huge, huge, huge file. XX megabytes".

Re: website uploading and hosting

Like he said it was probally far to big. When you view it on a creator or in your own browser it is an awful lot quicker because you already have the information. When you go into the site from another pc it will take forever because you are having to download all of the information. When it is in flash it will take even longer aswell because it downloads all of the information in one big file!!!

Browser: ,3