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How can I publish my website?

Sorry, does anyone know how can I PUBLISH a website I created with "file manager" ?? The Homepage is ready but I don't know how to PUBLISH it. Please help me

Re: How can I publish my website?

If you created the site with File Manager then it is on-line immediately. You do not need to "publish".

Do be aware that you PC may cache old copies of pages previously visited so when reviewing your page do press CTRL+F5 to forve the PC to refresh.

Re: How can I publish my website?

ummm....Is your Home page named "index.html" or something like HOME.html or someother creative non-effective word.html?

Not having named your front page "index.html" seems to be a rampant unedning issue many people face. Just remember the first page of any website is an index.html page and see what happens.
