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Cookies Not Enabled?

I can not login due to the fact it says "cookies are not enabled" or something like that...

"Sorry, but we have detected that you do not have cookies enabled.

Cookies are required to login to the Bravenet Members Area. Please enable your cookies and click here to try again.

If you still have problems logging in, please verify that is not a "Restricted Site" in your privacy settings.

For additional assistance, visit our Help Center."

But that's crap because I have them enabled. Anyone know if there might be something wrong with Bravenet currently

Re: Cookies Not Enabled?


I have the same message, every time i try to log in now. I have Bit Defender, virusscanner, and in this program i also have enabled cookies, and added extra, but still, also i cannot log in.
hope someone does have a solution for this

Re: Re: Cookies Not Enabled?

firstly print off bravenet instructions-follow them accurately -next-when your in internet options make sure you get the right advanced tab-use the one in the window not the one on the top of the main window-follow all their steps and be prepared to shut down your firewall and all your protections-you can turn them all back on again after your logged on...frank

Re: Re: Cookies Not Enabled?

Have the same problem a lot, its a pain and am now thinking of sodding off somewhere else with my domain and hosting. Been through all bravenet tell you loads of times, I allow cookies, bravenet is my trusted site, I dont have anything that would stop anyone or anything on my pc when trying to log in. Short of putting all my personal info in lights outside my front window, I dont know what to do. Every now and then it will let me log in but most of the time it just gives me the cookies not enabled crap.
Seems to me, Bravenet just want ya money, ya details and the abuility to intrude where ever they like on your pc, and if the mood takes em, they might let you in.

Re: Cookies Not Enabled?

clear your cookies,

then try again

turn off your firewall and then turn it back on

do you have spysweeper or some similar program blocking

Cookies is an issue with YOUR computer

also check your settings

if still have a problem open a support ticket

Re: Cookies Not Enabled?

if you are using firefox, here is what i did...

show cookies
delete the bravnet and bravehost ones
Ok out of everything.

reboot and things should be ok.