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i need help with a few things

i've setup a website but need to paste and can't seem to do it as i'm useless on computers, help?
i cant get back on my site to edit it?
how do i add my website into all search engines for free, i live in uk?
any help e-mail me please
take a look at my site

Browser: i need help asap

Re: i need help with a few things

Paste - if you are using Windows it is just a matter of CTRL+V. I suspect that your problem is actually with the mechanics of whatever site building software you are using. You will need to give us more details before we can give a useful answer. Before posting again do read the sticky posts in the copy/paste forum, your questions may well be answered there.

Search engines - you should go to the main ones , particularly Google and MSN and register yourself. I would also recommend registering at

Exchange links with related sites as this will improve your search engine rating as well as bringing traffic in its own right. For links to be of value the sites linking to your must have relevant content, swapping links at random buys you very little.