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Image problem

Hey, i've just uploaded my index.htm through the jave applet which all went well, so i preview my site to find that only a few of the images show up out of the 30+ that should (Images include buttons ~ Home ~ Downloads etc) the only thing which shows up is the information box in the middle in which i wrote an update, check out to see what i mean, help is appeciated.

Thanks in advance

-Teh Masterer


Re: Image problem

All your images seem to be in a subdirectory called images.
For instance, above your image you have tried to place

So I tried to go to, even if I know that does not work at bravehost. The result was a page that said:

404 The File You've Requested Could Not Be Found
Please try typing the URL again. Perhaps the URL was misspelled.

So I went to another Bravehost site, picked at random from the forum. This site had all the images in a subdirectory named MyPictures. When I tried to go to the subdirectory, I was told:

403Forbidden! Authorization is Not Possible
The owner of this website is not allowing authorization to visitors.

I may be totally wrong about this, but to me these results suggest that you do not have a subdirectory called images.

Re: Image problem

What files i have at the minute are - Index.htm - The Css. (Cascading style sheet - DO I NEED THAT?) And a file called images, some images are actually in the images folder and some are out on the main folder page with index etc.
Does that explain it more?
