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Issues with backing up a website and uploading to Bravenet

Hi guys im little bit of a noob at this but i do understand a little basicly my problem is i have backed up my old website on to my pc and i uploaded it to bravenet the problem that comes up is that the page files of my site still draw the images from the original domain rather than the new domain i was wondering is there any automated way of taking copyed site and making the images local then uploading it to bravenet???

Any suggestion would help and programs for backup of sites that make process easier please recommend thank you.

Re: Issues with backing up a website and uploading to Bravenet

All of your image references look like this:


You need to open all of your HTML files and remove the references to freewebs. If you stored all of your images in a folder name "My_Images", for example, you could then shorten the reference to something like this:


If you use a text editor on your HTML files, you should be able to use the search feature to find all of your bad references. Then, once all your images are uploaded and your references are fixed, just upload everything again. By using relative references, like the example above, you can make your site work on almost any host without changing the references again.

Re: Issues with backing up a website and uploading to Bravenet

Martin, just a thought... suppose he FTP'd his old site to his pc, then opened it in his editor, (say Front Page), moved his images to /images, then saved the site as a front page web. wouldnt all image paths change automatically to relative?