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sorry i dont know how to use downloaded font

ive downloaded it ,where and how do i use it on my site?.sorry just learning here

Re: sorry i dont know how to use downloaded font

oh cool I was just gonna post a topic about this! hope we can get some help...I've been working/stuck on my website for six hours!

Re: sorry i dont know how to use downloaded font

aww really i used the basic font that came with the site builder and it looks awful! good luck to both of us

Re: Re: sorry i dont know how to use downloaded font

You download a font to use yourself on your own PC.

Visitors can only view your site using the fonts installed on their own PCs

Re: sorry i dont know how to use downloaded font

I downloaded some fonts from the resource center, are these ok to use? I downloaded them...but I dont know where they are! It says to paste them to my favourite editor...I dont even know what an editor where can I find mine? cheers