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How Do I Publish My Changes?

Could someone please tell me how to get to the publish icon or screen. I was able to edit what I wanted and everything looks great, the changes are saved, I just need to publish them for them to take effect. Please email me at with any answers you may have. Thank you so much.

Re: How Do I Publish My Changes?

It depends on how you are editing your pages? Are you using the Website Wizard? If so it is somewhere in there I cannot remember exactly but If you do a Preview at the top you have the option to publish (it has been awhile since I was on the Wizard)

If you are using the FILE MANAGER all you do is SAVE you work and it is you will not find a PUBLISH button...

If you are looking and looking at your site after saving in the File Manager (or pusblishing with the Wizard) Then you may need to tell YOUR computer to show you the new version.

Your computer may be showing you the 'cached" (saved on your computer just to confuse you) Version and you need to force it to let you see the new version...

Go to the page you want to see...Hold down "CTRL" and hit the F5 key and your page will reload.

Good luck