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I just sent you a message the other day and thought somebody there could read enough English to know what cancel meant. I thought it was hard to get out from AOL, but they only took two months to cancel my trial account. Meanwhile they were just like you people, and keep charging me for something else. I want somebody once and for all to cancel the account I've been trying to close for 3 or 4 months. You put the charges on my Visa and they'll get my money back anyway, so do us both a favor. Cancel my trial period. Refund the money you keep stealing, and take me off every list you've got.

Re: Canceling.

You might try taking all your rude comments and put them in a email to the Bravenet Support Center. I also know that in your User Manager Member Information there is a button at the bottom of the screen for deleting your account. Also try including a little more account information than what you provided.

Re: Canceling.

..also in the billing section there is a button that you "click" to cancel the recurring payments and I know for a fact that works because I accidently did it one time and ended up in a big mess and panic as I didn't want my whole site to go down!

Have you cancelled the recurring payments or just sent the letter? I wouldn't expect the letter to work as well. And UNLIKE AOL (which I completely understand your story) You don't have to call anyone and be "hard sold" to stay on...

I found with Bravenet and car insurance that No Payment means no coverage and cancelling the recurring payments is simple--almost too simple!
