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I used the wizard to make my web page and it worked great. I saved my work and hit the publish button but it didn't publish. Since then I exited the site and then logged back in to edit the site and try to publish it again. I can edit it but where do I need to go to publish. I am not seeing something?!? Please help!

Re: publishing

Okay that is like my problem a bit... i don't know if you can help me. but i did my site published it and then when i went to veiw it it came up with some hosting thing and no matter what i do i can never see my site.. see if it works for you
yeah yeah i know eww good charlotte. just check it okay

Re: publishing

Try these two things first:

#1--Clear your compueters cache. Go to your page URL and hold down "Ctrl" then hit "F5" and that will force a reload of your page. It is very common to have this issue because our own computer wants to show us the cached page everytime.

#2--Be sure that you HOME page has the file extension of "" If you try to get creative on the file name and don't make your front page and "index" page then you site cannot be found.

Hope this gets you in the right direction!

