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Professional Package Questions

I am looking into getting the professional package. But i have questions first.

1. I would like to have a photo album for my family and friends. With the pro package i am assuming this is ok?

2. I would like to run a version of promisance and forums also, this would require mysql and php4, and a phpbb forums. AND crontab. I havent seen crontab anywhere, can anyone answer if crontab is even available?

3. And i would like to allow members of the gaming community that i play in to dabble a little if they have any interest in web designing and /or running versions of the game called promisance. would this be allowed?

the answers would have to be yes to all three for me to consider getting the pro package. if nay one of the above is not available here can i get a heads up on where i may be able to get those services?

thanks for your time!!!

Browser: fenash2005,2

Re: Professional Package Questions

1. I would like to have a photo album for my family and friends. With the pro package i am assuming this is ok?
~~I am sure there wouldn't be a problem...It is your website so as long as Bravenet is supporting it on their should be no problem...There is actually a service you can use free upgrade for a few buck that will create photo albums...

2. I would like to run a version of promisance and forums also, this would require mysql and php4, and a phpbb forums. AND crontab. I havent seen crontab anywhere, can anyone answer if crontab is even available.

~~I am not sure what eversion of php is run here but I just added the latest version of PhpBB forums to my site and had Zero problems. I have no clue about crontab so cannot say about that.

3. And i would like to allow members of the gaming community that i play in to dabble a little if they have any interest in web designing and /or running versions of the game called promisance. would this be allowed?

I have the Pro service and it includes 200 subdomains and 100 FTP accounts ~~ I don't do this kind of thing so I am not sure that answers your question.

Re: Professional Package Questions

the crontab is ket issue. i may have found what i want elsewhere. but i want to get an answer from tech support if i can... thanks for your post though it did clarify the php issue and the photo album issue as well...

Browser: fenash2005,2