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Tell me if these pages look identical because i am having trouble editing my front page


Re: HELP!!

I really like your page. I had hoped that I could make something similar, but after 7 months of trying I am still stuck on stupid. First I was told that everything I needed to make the site was here on Bravenet. Then I was told that I needed an editor(?). I was referred to Mozilla which I had trouble with from the beginning. Did you use an editor or did you make your site using only Bravenet tools?

Re: HELP!!

They look the same to me--I didn't read every word. "Didn't want my husband to kick me off the computer so he could check it out! Ha Ha) But as for the lay out and elements they look the same to me.

There are two site editors on Bravenet...One the "Wizard" is limited and most people out grow it so fast it is often better to learn on the FILE MANAGER first....

I just use the File Manager and ONLY last week learned to use the FTP and upload things...Right Now I am currently redoing a WHOLE WIZARD site over to one created with the File Manager here on Bravenet.

Re: HELP!!

I have not used an editor. I used mainly bravnet tools with the exceptin of my counter which i got from stat counter