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Need Help with Templates

OK, I am trying to figure out how to use some of the templates from "my favorites"
I get so far as uploading it, but then I don't know how to get it to go on my page. Any help? thanx

Re: Need Help with Templates


Re: Need Help with Templates

I'm having the same problem. did you ever figure it out? Did you just open your account? I did Yesterday, & thought maybe it took a couple of days.

Re: Need Help with Templates

If you want to use the templates then you cannot edit them with the Wizard.

You can edit them in the File Manager or another application.


Re: Need Help with Templates

I went to File manager, & will let me pull up tiny sections of the template,but not even enough to work with. It won't let me do anything either. What is going on?????? Going crazy here. Can't get a reply from the company. have sent 3 e-mails. Why isn't there a 1-800 #. if there is one will someone please tell it to me?

Re: Need Help with Templates

In the file manager are you opening the INDEX.HTML file because that is the HOME PAGE the other files are parts of the templete the Home page will need in order to work correctly.
