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Please take a look i need some suggestions

please take a look at my website i need some comments and suggestions before i introduce it to my friends.thanx yo people!

Re: Please take a look i need some suggestions

Get rid of the logo thing. The one that says: MARVZ, My site, your site".

For one thing, it is 1080 pixels wide. Without it, there would be hardly any need for horizontal scrolling on your site.

Secondly, it is a .bmp image. That is not a web format. Your visitors will either find a broken image, or - if their browsers display .bmp - wait for about 4 times the time it should take to download an entire page.

Re: Re: Please take a look i need some suggestions

ok. so what can i do? what can i replace for it? can i change the image of the header or it's size?

Re: Re: Re: Please take a look i need some suggestions

Both, I should think. Something like this, perhaps?

Image hosted by

Like the original better? OK, but remember that it takes 30 times as long to load - when it works.
This was done in PaintshopPro, Irfanview is a free program that does the same job.

Re: Please take a look i need some suggestions

ok. so i'll change my header with what you've posted.

Re: Please take a look i need some suggestions

i've chenge my header's image format into a .jpeg, but i didn't change the hight and width. is it right?

Re: Re: Please take a look i need some suggestions

Marvz, it is loading a lot faster now, but you also need to change the code. It still forces horizontal scrolling.

Re: Please take a look i need some suggestions

so i'll have to reduce my header's widht?

i'm using mozilla firefox and ie but my website look differently, in mozilla my education page is ok but in internet explorer it is overlapping.

Re: Please take a look i need some suggestions

Hi all
myn is about an online game on counter strike source
Please reply back ppl

Re: Please take a look i need some suggestions

mozzilla will probabaly display it differently than what it is like on the internet. You will have to reduce it a little more to see if you can get the right size. I would recomend a process called trial and error!!! O.K?

Browser: ,3

Re: Please take a look i need some suggestions

Ive looked at your site in Firefox and IE6 and it looks fine to me. You have a nice neat site. Drop by mine I'd be interested in your comments. Mine is almost complete. Cheers.