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Make website findable...

How do I make search engines find my website? Commonly used sites like Google, Yahoo aren't finding my website at all.

Re: Make website findable...

Search engines usually have a "Submit URL" link or similar. Both the ones you mentioned had last time I checked. Find the link and use it.

Re: Make website findable...

Find Mini Tools under Helpful Links in Ur Bravenet Members Area Your Account Manager. I have aded one to my site. Under Navigation click Peeps Site Links page. Its in the right side content. U will get some email from some of the sites asking to confurm Ur submission in Ur junk mailbox. I don't know if they will start sending me more junk mail so I don't answer the mail they send. But I submite my site once a week just incase it will work. I hope this answered Ur question.

There is also some other stuff on the Bravenet Members Area Your Account Manager page under Unregistered Services. Just click on one & read what that sevice has & if it sounds like something U would like to use then scroll down & click the Get Yours Now button.