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Unable to Upload New Images

For some reason I can no longer upload new images.

I have 20 currently uploaded, but four of them have an (x) next to the picture name instead of the picture size.

HELP! What do I do?

Re: Unable to Upload New Images


Reread your question and ask just what information would help someone who had the solution connect his information to your problem.

Re: Unable to Upload New Images

My apologies - I didn't realise my question came across so vague!?!?!

I am unable to upload new images in order to place them on my website. Why would this be/

Does the fact that I currently have 20 photos uploaded affecting it? Could it be a sizing issue? I do not know.

Does that make more sense and does that help you have the information to link to the problem?!?!

Thank you.

Re: Unable to Upload New Images

I'm getting the same problem. When I try to use the FTP, it says it can't put the file because there is a permission problem or the file may not exist. I can assure you, the picture is there, and there is no permission problem! Has this been going on the past two days or so?

Somebody help!

Re: Unable to Upload New Images

I'm having the exact same problem. All new pics I upload have (x) next to them and won't allow me to use them.

Re: Unable to Upload New Images

....this could possible be a little burp on or problem...Has anyone opened a Support Ticket Yet? If so please be sure to come back and let us all know.

Yesterday I was not able to FTP several images and recieved the same kind of error with permissions...After reconnecting and several file overwrites eventually they uploaded so there might be some kind of issue behind the sceans right now????


Re: Unable to Upload New Images

I just opened a ticket the number is 15636199ECD6

Add to the ticket if you want maybe it will help solve the problem.