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Install vbulletin forum

i want to install a forum on my site ,but i need to know if bravenet support and how can i configure the config.php as i need the name of the server and other things.
Anyone did it before?
I need some help as im a little newbie about this.

Re: Install vbulletin forum

I believe it depends on the hosting account you have. I only know how to use the premium paid hosting and just last night I announced my PhpBB Forum.

I checked out the vB Forums also and decided to go with because it is Open Source and FREE! Plus I found that the Support Forum there was wonderful and there was someone ready to help me out every step of the way!

It took me a little time and effort to catch up and understand what I was doing because I had never actually used the FPT or Database and didn't have a clue...But I started last Saturday and finished last night and took my time the whole way!


Re: Install vbulletin forum

i have the premium version but i need to modify the config.php and i need an example of that.
Can u help me please?
email msn
icq 195688757

Re: Re: Install vbulletin forum

I am not sure this works the same for you or with Vbulletin or not...

When I was uploading the PhpBB I had to change the 'permissions' on the config.php file... I did that with my FTP Client (I use SmartFTP) and just needed to 'right click' on the child and make a change to the permissions..

I have needed to make some other changed to several files but I had to download the file and then open in the WordPad make the changes and the reupload the file with my FTP...

Not sure if your issue is in anyway the same or not!


Re: Install vbulletin forum

I have no idea how my post ended up above the post I was trying to answer?

Visar--see the post above your last post.