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What is the recommended resolution in making a website?

Re: Resolution

Design your site to gracefully adopt what ever resolution the visitor is using.

Re: Re: Resolution

what resolution is the best and recommended 1024x768 or 800x600? what is the majority? thnx


Please pay attention. I more or less answered that on one of the other forums you wandered off to about three hours earlier.

If you now promise to stay here, instead of wasting someone elses time by wandering off to another forum again, I can try again.

800x600 is a maximum. Your page should be able to adapt to more if people are using full screen browser windows, it should certainly be able to adapt to less, because printing a page can be a problem if the page is unable to adapt to 640x480.

Also, please bear in mind that the internet is about to move to smaller devices.

Did you read Peter's message? The important thing isn't to decide what resolution to create pages for, but to have the page adapt to your visitors system.

For instance, if you want a 400 pixel wide image in the middle of the screen, you don't put it 200 pixels from the left edge, even if that works at 800x600. You center it.

You seem to be confusing browsers and screens. You change screen resolution by rightclicking an empty spot, then Properties, Settings, Resolution (or similar - Windows doesn't speak English on my PC).

The browser is a different matter. You simply reduce the size of the window. If you use Opera, there is even a useful feature that tells you exactly how wide and high your window is at any given time.

Do most people use resolution 800x600 - well, they did last time I checked, but it's been at least a year, and the trend is towards higher resolutions.

However, when people use higher resolutions, it is not necessarily in order to facilitate badly designed webpages. They do it in order to have more windows open at once, use extra sidebars in their browsers, etc.

Smaller Resolutions set to become more popular

As people start accessing the web from their modile phones and other handheld devices smaller resolutions will become more popular.

Web TV has a maximum display width of 544 pixels.


i promise to stay here!,thnx i did'nt know that posting in a neighboring forum is prohibited


Sorry if i've transferred. my current screen resolution is 1024x768 is it ok?

Re: Re: MARVZ!

No matter where you post, actually reading the answers may be a good idea.